About Us

Our Vision

It is said that a society can be judged by the way that it cares for its weakest and most vulnerable members. And who is more vulnerable than our children?
It is these children that CRY America works for.

  • To enable society to take responsibility for the welfare of every deprived Indian child.
  • To motivate individuals to confront this situation through collective action.
  • To give the child and themselves an opportunity to realize their full potential.
  • Our Mission

    To enable people to take responsibility for the situation of the deprived Indian child and to motivate them to confront the situation through collective action thereby giving the child and themselves an oppurtunity to realize their full potential.

    Our History

    Rippan Kapur, who founded CRY, was an ordinary person driven by an extraordinary dream - the dream that no Indian child would be deprived of rights as basic as survival, participation, protection and development. In 1979 Rippan started CRY with his 6 friends. He was firmly convinced that each of us can, in our own small way, be agents of change, and when enough of us are moved to this, the impact is a lasting change for the better. All he asked of people was that they help CRY by doing what they were good at. As he put it, "What I can do, I must do." Today CRY partners 157 child development projects across India. 26 years after it began work, CRY has made a profound difference to the lives of more than 1.37 million Indian children, by channelising the resources of over 125,000 individuals and organisations. In doing so, it has shown that lasting change happens when individuals believe it can happen and do what they can to make it happen.