What is CRY America?
Does CRY America have a mission?
What are CRY America’s beliefs?
What is CRY America’s role?
CRY America’s values?
What does CRY America do to make these happen?
How does CRY America reach out to children?
What is Child Rights?
How does CRY America select the organizations it supports?
Will volunteers have access to information about these projects?
Who is a typical CRY America volunteer?
What is the Role of a Volunteer?
What is the Role of an Action Center
How many Action Centers are part of CRY America as of March 2004?
Who are the Action Center Leaders?
Action Centre Leaders Collective?
How do we raise money in the US?
Event Ideas for Action Centres?
National Events for 2004
What is the Structure of CRY America?
CRY America Board & Role?
CRY America Executive Committee (Exec Comm) & Role?
CRY America Corporate office plans?
CRY America Accounting/banking?
CRY America Insurance arrangements?
CRY Products?
CRY America Communication material available for all Action Centers?
CRY America Web site & IT requirements?
List of all official crymail public web based addresses?
How long has CRY America been around? What is the status of tax exemption?
Relationship between CRY (India) & CRY America?
Relationship between CRY America and the erstwhile CRY Inc.?
2003 CRY America National Review at a glance
2004 CRY America National Plans at a glance
1. What is CRY America?
CRY America is CRY, Child Relief and You America Inc.
is a non profit organization registered in the USA in November 2002 that
works towards restoring basic rights to underprivileged children, especially
Indian. At CRY America we believe that each of us as individuals can make a
difference. All it takes is the belief that "Change is possible, because
I’ll make it possible". We believe that together, we can create a
movement that can steadily, magically gather momentum and irrevocably change
children’s lives.
For more details please refer to the CRY America general presentation document (i)
– this is a must read document for all action centre leaders and is meant for
dissemination to all CRY America volunteers.
2. Does CRY America have a mission?
To enable people to take responsibility for the situation of the underprivileged
children, specially Indian, and so motivate them to confront the situation
through collective action thereby giving the child and themselves an opportunity
to realize their full potential.
CRY America’s focus is on child rights. CRY America works for the realization of
the rights of underprivileged children- street children, the girl child,
children bonded in labor, children of commercial sex workers, physically and
mentally challenged children and children in juvenile institutions.
3.What are CRY America’s beliefs?
Education First! At CRY America we believe that the only way to make a sustainable
difference in the lives of underprivileged children is through education. Who
else appreciates this better than us …each one of us has reached so far
because of the education we received in our formative years.
The power of collective action! At CRY America we believe that if each one of us
does something, there is no task which is too big or difficult. We know that
when ordinary people, people like you and me join hands we can achieve what
mighty governments cannot.
CRY America will ensure complete legal compliance and financial probity and
this will not be compromised for any reason whatsoever. CRY America will not, as
some other non-profit organisations do, have loose financial systems that permit
donor funds and event proceeds to be banked in volunteer’s personal bank
accounts prior to transfer to the non-profit accounts for example. It will also
report with complete transparency the source and use of every dollar it receives
and disburses. All revenues and expenses will be reported fully, not just net
incomes or broad revenue heads. This will entail seeking professional assistance
in setting up and implementing rigorous financial systems. While every effort
will be exercised to keep these costs as low as possible, there will be no
compromise made in the interests of economy or expediency.
CRY America will be a transparent organization. CRY America will share its progress
regularly with its volunteers, donors and supporters through newsletters, annual
reports etc. All-important information will be available on the CRY America web
4. What is CRY America’s role?
CRY America’s role is to enable people to take responsibility for the situation of
the child by creating an awareness on children’s issues, contributing money,
time, professional expertise, energy, materials or simply moral support and
channeling this support towards the benefit of underprivileged children in India
and the USA.
5. CRY America’s values?
CRY America operates on the values of
respect for human dignity
collective action/working in partnership
6. What does CRY America do to make these happen?
For every underprivileged child, there are at least a handful of people who want to
help. CRY America is the LINK between the child in need and you…wherever you
The core of CRY America is volunteer action. CRY America runs on the strength of her
volunteers. Volunteers are a team of dedicated people willing to give their time
and skills to promote and build CRY America and to raise resources for
underprivileged children.
7. How does CRY America reach out to children?
CRY America reaches out to underprivileged children by:
Supporting organizations and initiatives which addresses and promotes children’s issues
within the context of their families and communities in India and the US.
Supporting organizations and initiatives that build necessary skills, structures, attitudes
and knowledge to enhance the impact of field level child development initiatives
in India & US
Supporting organizations and networks with transparent financial accounting systems.
For more details please refer to the CRY America Disbursal Policy Framework
document (ii)
8. What is Child Rights?
In 1989, the UN defined its Charter of Child Rights. India is a signatory to this
convention, as are 191 other countries. This is an international human rights
treaty built on the premise that children are born with fundamental freedoms and
the inherent rights of all human beings. India signed this treaty in 1992. It
mentions the 4 basic rights that every child in the world should enjoy, without
any discrimination.
The right to survival – to life, health, nutrition, name, and nationality
The right to development – to education, care, leisure, recreation
The right to protection - from exploitation, abuse, neglect
The right to participation- to expression, information, thought, and religion.
9. How does CRY America select the organizations it supports?
The organizations that CRY America supports will be selected for their track record,
the issues they work with and the impact on the community they work with. We
also realize the criticality of ensuring that the resources are used by these
organizations optimally and effectively.
To ensure this CRY America works with CRY, an Indian NGO, to ensure the quality of
each of these interventions. CRY, an organization with impeccable standards of
accountability and transparency, has over the past 24 years, developed highly
effective selection, planning, monitoring and evaluation systems for this
CRY America will also support initiatives for children in the USA, specifically in
the cities where action centers are located. This will be done with the help of
US based Consultants.
For more details please refer to the CRY America Disbursal Policy Framework
document (ii)
10. Will volunteers have access to information about these projects?
CRY America will report on the progress of each of these initiatives periodically to
all its supporters – donors and volunteers. One can go to the website:
http:\\www.america.cry.org for more details about CRY America and the projects.
11. Who is a typical CRY America volunteer?
Anyone who is willing to give his/her time and skills for joining in the fight for
restoring child rights to each and every child in India and in the US.
In the first phase we have focused on people of Indian origin, but each action
centre is welcome to expand the volunteer base beyond that.
12. What is the Role of a Volunteer?
Each volunteer is a child advocate. He / She is also a brand ambassador of CRY
America. He / she works among his/ her colleagues, friends, family and local
community to raise awareness for the status of children in India and helps
harness resources …both financial and non financial, through CRY America. Each
effort of the volunteer is a building block to achieve the ultimate goal of CRY
America - ensuring a secure future for children!
A CRY America volunteer would participate in the following way….
Join a CRY America Action center in your city/university.
Start a CRY America Action center in your city/university, if one does not exist.
Help organize Events and help sponsor them.
Help increase our volunteer base.
Spread the word about CRY America among your friends, colleagues, family and
local community.
Talk about CRY America to the organization/institution where you work and put
CRY America on the list of supported/to be supported charities…explore the matching grant
options for donations by employees and the employer.
Put up our posters and distribute CRY America leaflets at your office, other offices,
clubs and other public places.
Keep us informed about local events such as art exhibitions, concerts, plays, etc.
CRY America could then try to source a stall, which would provide a good platform to meet
potential donors and generate awareness about our work.
Contact artistes/celebrities that you know for discounted rates for potential CRY
America events in your city/university.
Help CRY America organise events nationally – across various cities through our action
For more details, refer to the How to start an Action Center document
(iii) – this is a must read document for all action centre leaders and CRY
America volunteers.
13. What is the Role of an Action Center
Each action centre gives us an opportunity to harness the resources available within
America and direct it towards something meaningful for children. It also allows
us an opportunity to contribute towards India’s future by being a part of a
global movement for Indian children.
Volunteers in each action centre have the following principal tasks -
Introduce CRY America to the local community
Create awareness among people and educate them about CRY America’s mission
Raise resources for CRY America through Events and other activities
Introduce CRY America to Corporates where CRY America volunteers work and to other
Corporates in the city.
For more details, refer to the How to start an Action Centre document (iii).
14. How many Action Centers are part of CRY America as of March 2004? Who are
the Action Centre Leaders?
Action Center
Co-ordinator's Email address
Phone Num
Postal Address
Rajesh Munshi
Rajesh Munshi
9637, 173rd,Place NE,
Redmond,WA 98052
Bay Area
Dilip Khadye
650-537-7939 (m)
650-623-1354 (h)
Dilip Khadye
235 Arlington Road,
#204 Redwood City,
CA 94062
Sarika Agarwal
617-922-4612 (m)
508-376-5861 (h)
Sarika Agarwal
77 Himelfarb Street
Millis, MA 02054
Raleigh-Durham (RDU)
Saravanan Arunachalam
919-931-2081 (m)
919-362-9591 (h)
Sarav Arunachalam
103 Grazing Meadows Ct
Apex, NC 27502
Sameet Rajguru
Geeta Telang
Sameet Rajguru
7621 Bannockbarn Drive,
Apt.B, Richmond,
VA 23225
New York - New Jersey
Suresh Ediga
908-817-2846 (m)
Suresh Ediga
407 Cheryl Drive,
Iselin,New Jersey 08830
Aditya Nagaraj
859- 552-8096 (m)
Aditya Nagaraj
201 Simpson Avenue, Apt # 924,
Lexington, KY - 40504
College Station
Jayant Anand
Vivek Peshkar
979-739-4978 (m)
Jayant Anand
414 Stasney Street, Apt# 6,
College Station, TX 77840
Vivek Peshkar
413 Stasney Street #A
College Station, TX 77840
Aprajita Rathore
412 193798 (m)
412 2574277 (h)
Aprajita Rathore
7060 Clubview Drive
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Rhode Island
Rahul Sharma
Samir Singh
Samir Singh
3665 Greenbrier, #144C,
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Kunal Bahl
Kunal Bahl
3910 Irving Street, Box 143,
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Charlottesville (VA)
Swaminathan Sethuraman
703 728 7929 (m)
Swaminathan Sethuraman
121 Hessian Hills Ridge, Apt #3
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Ramya Nataraj
435- 713-4155
Ramya C.Nataraj
965N 700E #6
Logan, UT-84321
Tulika Banafar
Tulika Banafar
5430 West 133rd Place, Apt# 327,
Overland Park, Kansas 66209
Ashima Gupta
Janet Rajan (University lead)
513-602-1225 (m)
513-961-2763 (h)
Janet Rajan
2930 Scioto St, Apt 901,
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Taaru Chawla
Taaru Chawla
422 A Street,
Davis, CA 95616
Washington DC
Gayathri Ranganathan
Gayathri Srivatsa
2036, Brooks Sq Place
Falls Church, VA 22043
Priya Mohan
Priya Mohan
4133 Mathews Avenue, Apt # 19,
Indianapolis, IN 46227
Anil Aggarwal
Anil Aggarwal
6984 E Gate Ridge Place,
Tucson, AZ 85750
15. Action Centre Leaders Collective?"
All action centre leaders are part of the Action Centre Leaders collective. The
purpose of this group is to share ideas and learn from each other, thereby
strengthening action centers individually and collectively. This group is also
responsible for planning and review of action centre activities and plans and is
led by Rajesh Munshi. This collective has it’s own yahoo group and meets once
a month via telecon. All action centre leaders are requested to join the monthly
telecons as they are very useful to understand what’s happening at the other
action centers and for others to understand your action centre.
The first Annual Volunteer Conference was held on June 1&2, 2003 in New
Hampshire. It has been agreed that this is an important meeting to build
synergies at the national level and needs to be held every year.
This is the only time we meet face to face and requires the participation of all
action centre leaders. The 2004 Volunteer Conference is being planned for July
24 & 25, 2004 …pls block these dates in your diary!!
Contact Rajesh Munshi for all support in the area of Volunteer Mobilization and
starting/strengthening action centers. His email id is
16. How do we raise money in the US?
By using the following tools:
Web (On Line donations on www.america.cry.org)
Action Center Fundraising primarily through events
Direct Mail (E and Snail)
Grants from Corporate & Foundations
Product Sales
Automatic Deduction programs (yet to start)
17. Event Ideas for Action Centres?
Some ideas are:
Dollar Drives
CRY America Walk/Run
Talks and Seminars
Card Sales
Charity/ Black Tie Dinners
Cricket & Volleyball Tournaments
Dandia/Garba Events
Food Festivals & Stalls
Movie Screenings
Music Concerts
CRY America Booths/stalls at other Events
Note – Experience and skills lie within existing action centers to mount
and manage all these events. Development of event templates and guidelines
would help other action centres replicate and improve event ideas and plans.
18. National Events for 2004
The following two events have been agreed upon as the national events for 2004:
CRY America Walk 2004 is being planned for September 2004. The following 8 action centres
will be participating in this Event. Sarika Aggarwal (Boston AC leader) is the national
lead for this event, if your action centre would like to participate…pls contact Sarika.
- Bay Area – August 22, 2004
- Boston – September 12, 2004
- Davis
- Utah
- New York – New Jersey
- Raleigh- Durham
- Richmond – September 18, 2004
- Seatlle – September 12, 2004
The Hari Prasad Chaurasia Concert series is being planned by 8 action centres
for October 2004. Saravanan Arunachalam is the national lead for this event.
The following action centres will be hosting the event.
- Seattle – October 2, 2004
- Bay Area – October 9, 2004
- Detroit – October 22, 2004
- Boston – October 23, 2004
- New York – New jersey – October 24, 2004
- Pittsburgh – October 29, 2004
- Raleigh – Durham – October 30, 2004
- Washington DC (by Richmond) – October 31, 2004
19. What is the Structure of CRY America?
CRY America Board (including CEO)
CRY America Executive Committee (including CEO & Resource Generation Manager)
Action Center Leaders
Volunteer Core Groups across Action Centers
20.CRY America Board & Role?
The trustees are responsible for the overall governance of CRY America as specified
in the Bylaws and specifically, in the areas of CRY America policy, statutory
& legal compliance, overall financial management and approval of business
plans towards building a strong and relevant organization. The Board comprises
of the following persons:
Anand Mehta (Honorary Director & Treasurer)
Vinod George (Honorary Director & Secretary)
Shefali Sunderlal (President & CEO)
Pervin Varma (Honorary Director)
Ingrid Srinath (Honorary Director)
The Board meets once in two months via telecom and there is one face to face board
meeting annually. The first face to face Board meeting was held in New Hampshire
on May 31, 2003. The next Board meeting in the USA is planned for July 23, 2004
21. CRY America Executive Committee (Exec Comm) & Role?
The executive committee as a collective leadership body at the national level will
provide leadership, direction, guidance to CRY America; uphold & enable
internalization of CRY America’s mission, values and objectives; develop
strategies and plans to achieve CRY America’s goals and be accountable for CRY
America’s operations and resources, towards enabling the growth of an
efficient and effective organization. This group also has it’s own yahoogroup
and meets twice in a month via telecon. The first face to face Exec Com meeting
was held in New Hampshire on June 1, 2003.
Volunteer Mobilisation
Rajesh Munshi
425-882-9446 (r)
Samir Panchal
256-759-0123 (m)
Sanjay Nanda
617-293-4333 (m)
Communications & Fund raising
Indira Vaidy
Aziz Boxwala
617-953-0116 (m)
Taruna Tayal
919-474-8886 (r)
Shefali Sunderlal
011-91- 98450-17435 (m)
For more details on the structure and roles, refer to the Note
on the Management of CRY America (iv)
22. CRY America Corporate office plans?
Plans to set up a small corporate office in Boston have been firmed up. This office
will be the central coordinating office for all CRY America activities and will
comprise 2 full time employees, the CEO and the Resource Generation Manager. The
Corporate office is likely to start functioning in October/November 2004.
Meanwhile, Vinod George has allowed us to use his address for all official and legal
correspondence. The following details must be used as our corporate contacts at
the moment:
CRY, Child Relief and You America Inc,
19 University Avenue,
Medford, MA 02155.
Website: www.america.cry.org
23. CRY America Accounting/banking?
We presently have a central bank account in Fleet bank, Boston which is being used
for action centre accounts and general donations.
We have also finalized national banking & payment gateway facilities with
Citibank in New York. This bank account is being kept open for testing website
online donations for a couple of months after the website is launched in May
2004. A lock box for check receipts will also be set up in the second half of
the year.
Action Centers are to follow guidelines to start local bank accounts and authorisation
is required for starting of local bank accounts. Opening of local bank accounts
needs to be sanctioned by the Board.
We have subcontracted our accounting requirements such as state
registrations/filings, book keeping & accounting advice to Vaugh &
Associates based in Boston. All action centers are requested to read through and
follow the accounting guidelines that have been developed for CRY America.
Copies of bills/vouchers for all expenses needs to be retained. CRY America’s
accounts will be audited annually and it is necessary for the Action centre
accounts and the cental book keeping to tally completely. Each action centre
needs to have a dedicated person to handle the accounts and this person should
be in regular touch with the accountants.
CRY America’s 2003 accounts have been closed. In our first year of operations we
raised a total revenue of $ 87,709 and a net revenue of $ 59,200 primarily
through volunteer fund raising efforts. Please go through the 2003 CRY America
review document for more details on our achievements for 2003.
All action centres need to send in their account statements (in the available
format) along with the cheques/monies to David Guido at the following address
and tel number. It is recommended that accounts are sent by all action centres
within 10-15 days of closing each of the Events:
Vaughn & Associates PC
639 Granite Executive Park, Suite 408,
Braintree, MA 02184
Tel #: 781-356-1603
Accounting guidelines (v) have been developed which need to be read and
followed by all Action Centres.
Contact David Guido for all queries/matters related to Accounting/banking. His
email id is dguido@vaughnassociatespc.com
24. CRY America Insurance arrangements?
Robertson Taylor Inc are our Insurance agents and they are based in New York. General
Liability Insurance for CRY America is in place. Action Centre leaders are to
contact Maria Demonte for specific event insurance certificates at least a week
in advance of the event with information as specified in the Insurance
guidelines document(vi).
Contact Aziz Boxwala for any queries/help on the Insurance front.
His email id is boxwala@yahoo.com
and mobile number is 617-953-0116.
25. CRY Products?
Greeting Cards and other products are available for sale by all action centers.
Contact Sanjay Nanda for all information/help in this regard. His email id is
and his mobile number is 617-293-4333.
26. CRY America Communication material available for all Action Centers?
All action centre leaders must read the following material and use the communication
material as widely as possible. You are also requested to contact
Yogita Verma/Shefali Sunderlal for material for your specific
action centre Events also. CRY America branding must be consistent across all
action centers.
General CRY America Leaflet
General CRY America Poster
Donation/Penny jar stickers
General CRY America presentation
How to start an Action Centre presentation
CRY America FAQ
Standard donation appeal to individuals
Standard donation appeal to Corporates
Standard letter on volunteering
2003 CRY America Review (financial & non financial) document
India Child book
Standard CRY presentation
June 2003 Volunteer Conference Presentation
Other CRY America presentations and guidelines (documents i to vi), already listed in this document.
CRY America Communications Manual (vii) for action centre leaders is also in the process of being developed
27. CRY America Web site & IT requirements?">
The CRY America website www.america.cry.org
provides all necessary information about the organization, including information
on the Action Centers. The site is being revamped and will be ready by the end
of April 2004. This website will also have an online payment facility for web
based donations through credit card deductions. Include the CRY America website
info on all your action centre material
Start an internal yahoogroup for your action centre which will keep all your
volunteers connected and updated…start this yourself. Include Rajesh &
Shefali on this yahoogroup, so they can help you from time to time
External/public crymail addresses (refer point 26) for all action centers have
been set up where donors, supporters and potential volunteers can reach you
…contact Taruna to get this going
Get onto the action centre leaders national yahoo group … contact Rajesh.
E- letterheads and visiting cards are available for all action centers
…contact Taruna.
Contact Taruna Tayal for all queries/help in relation to the website and other
IT requirements. Her email id is tarunatayal@hotmail.com
28. List of all official crymail public web based addresses?
Action Center
Official CRY mail Address
Shefali Sunderlal
Ashima Gupta
Bay Area
Dilip Khadye
Sarika Agarwal
College Station
Jayant Anand
Samir Singh
Tulika Banafarl
Aditya Nagaraj
Taaru Chawla
New York-New Jersey
Suresh Ediga
Aprajita Rathore
Raleigh – Durham
Saravanan Arunachalam
Sameet Rajguru
Rajesh Munshi
Swaminathan Senthuraman
Rhode Island
Rahul Sharma
Kunal Bahl
Washington DC
Gayathri Ranganathan
Ramya Nataraj
Priya Mohan
29. How long has CRY America been around? What is the status of tax exemption?">
CRY America is a non-profit organization, registered in the USA in November 2002. We
obtained our 501c3 federal tax exemption clearance in November 2003.
All donations to CRY America are now tax exempt. (Please note that as per US laws,
"DONATIONS" DOES NOT INCLUDE monies raised through ticket sales, food
sales, product sales and 501c3 tax deduction receipts can’t be issued against
these contributions)
30. Relationship between CRY (India) & CRY America?
CRY is the owner and licensor of the CRY name and trademarks worldwide. For more
details on CRY, please visit the website www.cry.org.
CRY America is a US 501c3 non profit organization. CRY America is the sole
representative and licensee of the Child Relief & You (CRY) name and
trademarks in the USA.
CRY America will also collaborate closely with CRY (India) to ensure that the grants
to projects in India are optimally utilized and the quality of each of the
supported projects is enhanced. CRY has over the past 25 years developed highly
effective planning, evaluation and capacity building systems and processes.
31. Relationship between CRY America and the erstwhile CRY Inc.?"
>As you maybe aware CRY (India) and CRY Inc (USA) split up due to irreconcilable
differences in mid 2002. CRY Inc has changed its name and now operates as HTG
Inc/Vibha in the USA. With this name change, please note that no organization
called CRY Inc. exists in the USA anymore.
In order to ensure that there are no misapprehensions on the subject, CRY believes
that it is important to clearly state that there is currently no relationship
between CRY and HTG/Vibha beyond interactions to ensure that financial, brand
and other legal issues are concluded satisfactorily. This settlement involves
monies raised in the CRY name prior to June 2002 which are owing to CRY. CRY
wishes HTG well in its endeavors.
Please note that donations going to HTG/Vibha post June 2002 have not and will not be
received by CRY (India). Donations being made to HTG/Vibha are not and will not
be received by CRY America either. We have had to make this clarification to
several donors and volunteers in the past year. Many donors and volunteers
believe that their money is still going to CRY.
CRY America is a separate US organization and does not have any relationship with
HTG Inc/Vibha at present. CRY America wishes HTG well and hopes that HTG/Vibha
is able to successfully meet its goals, thereby maximizing the impact on the
lives of underprivileged children in India.
32. 2003 CRY America National Review at a glance
Growth of 13 Action Centers & 227 (166 active & 61 occasional)
volunteers mobilized
Mobilized $ 87,709 total revenue & $ 59,200 net revenue through volunteer
fund raising efforts
Banking, accounting, insurance arrangements & guidelines finalized
Management structure in place
Board meetings & decision making fairly strong
Exec Com functioning needs strengthening
AC Leaders Collective proactive & fairly strong
May 2003 Volunteer Conference – enabled organizational planning & national synergies
US Non Profit Legalities – understanding, finalization of documents and compliance
Stronger CRY America - CRY linkages/alignments/safeguards
Basic communication materials in place for Action Centers (posters, leaflet & banners)
Disbursal framework and selection of India projects
Website & Donor Management Software requirements finalized
Federal 501c3 clearance finally came through at year end!
33. 2004 CRY America National Plans at a glance
Action Centers
Build & expand strong volunteer base – 20 active action centers & 500
active volunteers
Potential Donor database development & Corporate listing of CRY America in own workplace
Organizing fund raising events & programs locally as per AC plans
Inputting & staying connected nationally through the Action Centre Leaders Collective
Implementation of national guidelines & systems (accounts & communications)
Exec Comm.
Website & payment gateway – efficient electronic face needed urgently!
Ensure fund raising targets & lead national events/drives.
Enable growth of AC Leaders Collective and the newer action centers
US Local Project selection & timely disbursals/information dissemination for all sanctioned projects
National guidelines & systems – review, develop & ensure implementation
Resource Generation Manager in place
Products plan, shipment & inventory management in place
Statutory compliance & financial controls
Approval of plans, disbursals & accounts
Public face for media & large grants
New Board members for 2005 & setting up of Advisory group
Overall for CRY America
Annual plans, quarterly reviews and quarterly financial reports
Brand building/awareness/communications from a national perspective
Dollars, dollars & dollars!! ($250,000 Net Revenue)