CRY America Inc.(RDU Chapter)

Birthdays, Gifts and You
"Every birthday deserves a celebration, every child deserves a good life!"

Date: May 29th, 2005, Sunday
Time : 6:00 pm (Cake cutting at 7:00 pm)
Place : Long Lake Clubhouse
7481 Silver View Ln
Raleigh NC 27613 Map
Phone : 919-841-1800 (Home) or 919-395-4855 (Cell)


Mamta and Sridhar

Varsha would like you to donate her gifts to CRY and may be given as a check written to "CRY America, Inc.", and
can be given either to Varsha, or mailed to the CRY action center at:
RDU Chapter, 103 Grazing Meadows Ct, Apex, NC 27502

To find more information about CRY-India and its projects, please click here. CRY Logo

If you are interested in volunteering time, ideas or skills, to CRY-RDU, the local CRY chapter, please email us

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